In addition to fines, community service, court-ordered alcohol abuse treatment program attendance, and jail time, license suspension is one of the penalties imposed on Kentucky DUI offenders.
While it is possible to have one’s driver’s license reinstated, the process is more complicated for individuals who have had a license suspended for alcohol-related reasons.
Begin Planning For Reinstatement At The Time Of Suspension
In the state of Kentucky, a DUI conviction will result in an automatic license suspension. The duration of this suspension is determined by whether the offense was first-time or repeat in nature. For a first offense, the suspension will range from 30 to 120 days. For a second offense, the suspension will range from 12 to 18 months. Third-time offenders will face a suspension of 2 to 3 years. For fourth-time offenders, the duration is 5 years.
In some instances, the suspension term will begin prior to trial for DUI. This early start occurs at an arraignment – the first appearance in court after charges have been filed – in which the accused enters a plea of not guilty. Other bases for pretrial driver’s license suspension are the refusal of a blood, breath, or urine test, the existence of a previous DUI conviction, or involvement in an accident resulting death or serious physical injury.
Officers arresting a driver on suspicion of DUI are required to follow specific procedures. Failure to follow even one of these procedures may be grounds for challenging or minimizing a suspension in court. Doing so requires the skill of an experienced Kentucky DUI attorney.
State Approved Alcohol Treatment Program Attendance Is A Requirement For Driver’s License Reinstatement In Kentucky
If your driver’s license has suspended in the state of Kentucky for an alcohol-related reason such as DUI, you will be required to complete a state-approved alcohol treatment program. Typically, 20 hours of education are required for first-time offenders, but program counselors may recommend as many as 90 days of treatment. The cost of the 20-hour program is generally $250.
For second-time DUI offenders in Kentucky, driver’s license reinstatement must be preceded by a year-long treatment program, unless a program counselor determines that all course goals have been completed after 6 months of treatment. This 6-month exception is not made available for 3rd or subsequent DUI offenses. For the 1-year treatment program, the cost is $2,500.
As a part of the treatment program, DUI offenders will study the effects of alcohol, patterns of alcohol abuse, the long-term effects of alcohol abuse, risk factors for addiction, and drug abuse and dependency. State-approved alcohol treatment programs hope to change an offender’s lifestyle by making a positive impact on the decision-making process with regard to drinking and driving.
What To Do If You Need To Reinstate Your Driver’s License In Kentucky After An Alcohol-Related Suspension
Not being able to drive during a DUI-related driver’s license suspension can have a tremendous impact on the ability to commute to work and engage in daily activities of living. Depending on the facts of the incident in which you have been involved, an experienced Kentucky DUI attorney at Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers may be able to challenge or minimize your suspension and thereby facilitate a more swift reinstatement. To understand your legal rights, contact one of our skilled Lexington criminal defense attorneys today at 859-569-4014.