Lexington Legal Blog & Information

Miranda Rights: What Happens If the Police Don’t Read You Your Rights? 

If you watch any police procedural TV show, you’ve undoubtedly heard the phrase, “you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court.” This phrase, along with the rest of the Miranda warning, is something that everyone in the United States has the right to hear… read more

Can a Convicted Felon Own a Gun in Kentucky?

Being convicted of a felony in Kentucky has serious consequences. In addition to jail time and fines, a convicted felon cannot legally own a firearm except in a few circumstances. Possession of a firearm by a felony is a felony offense in Kentucky.  A felon convicted of possessing a firearm without their firearm rights being… read more

Three of the Most Frequently Violated Rights of the Accused

Have you been accused of a crime? If so, you might believe that the police officers treated you unfairly or violated your rights. You could be correct. Law enforcement officers violate suspects’ civil rights during investigations and arrests. Violating your rights could lead to one or more defenses in your criminal case. However, the police… read more

Prosecution Tactics in Domestic Violence Cases in Kentucky

Domestic violence charges are serious criminal offenses. You could jail time and fines for a conviction. Additionally, if the court orders a restraining order or protective order, the impact on your personal and professional life could be profound. The prosecutor already believes you are guilty. Therefore, talking to the prosecutor without a Lexington domestic violence… read more

Is It Illegal To Answer The Door Naked in Lexington?

Our constitutional rights afford us certain liberties in the privacy of our homes. Generally, we have the right to be naked in our homes. However, some situations could possibly violate Kentucky’s indecent exposure laws, including answering the door naked. What Are Kentucky’s Indecent Exposure Laws? Kentucky has two indecent exposure laws that could result in… read more

The 5 Easiest Ways To Get Your Criminal Case Dismissed in Lexington, KY

On TV, it seems that all criminal charges lead to full-blown trials. In real life, however, the process often works quite differently. Criminal law is incredibly complicated, and there are many ways you could obtain a dismissal of criminal charges against you. Enter into a Diversion Program Diversion programs are designed to keep people out… read more

Possession of a Controlled Substance: What It Means in Kentucky

If you have been charged with possession of a controlled substance, it is critical that you understand what this means and the potential penalties you may face. Your criminal defense lawyer can review the charges against you, explain what you are accused of, and discuss your legal rights.   What Is a Controlled Substance in Kentucky?… read more

What Does It Mean When a Case Status Says Disposed?

Saying that a case has been “disposed” means that it has been closed. A case can be disposed for many reasons. In some cases, the case can never be reopened. In other cases, the case can be reopened under certain circumstances, such as the discovery of new evidence. Following is a list of the most… read more

Attorney-Client Privilege: What It Is and How It Can Impact Your Case

Attorney-client privilege binds your attorney not to testify about any oral or written communication between you and them. It also prevents any third party from forcing either you or your attorney to testify about such communications (by questioning you or your attorney under oath, for example). Strictly speaking, the attorney-client privilege is a rule of… read more

Exigent Circumstances: What They Are and How They Allow Police in Kentucky to Search and Seize Without a Warrant

Exigent circumstances are exceptions to the requirement under the Fourth Amendment for law enforcement officers to obtain a warrant for searches and seizures. The United States Supreme Court defined situations that qualify as exigent circumstances. The circumstances allow law enforcement to act quickly to respond to emergencies. However, exigent circumstances can be used as an… read more